Animated map shows how the world's first written languages spread
Video - Language & Hues
Your brain probably can't remember this color
A Familiar Voice (In a Foreign Tongue)
This towering exhibit has taken the traditional latin alphabet and redesigned it into Chinese characters to distance the speaker from his own language. Can you even recognize your own language in character form? Credit - Artist Kevin Kottke
LOL: How to laugh around the world
We all laugh more or less the same, but how we go about expressing our delight on social media can vary amazingly across the world. How do you LOL?
Visual Linguistics
Artist Daniyil Onufrishyn plays with our ability to recognize our best loved brands by slowly building visual identities layer by layer. Can you spot the brand before the big reveal?
Book Review: Through The Language Glass
Coca Cola & Linguistics
There has been an article circulating about variations in English pronunciation and word usage around the continental United States - and there is something curious about how Americans talk about sugary drinks.
The Internet is Killing off Silent Letters
Words seem to just be shriveling away on the internet - about to disappear with nary a trace. #MAYBEANOVERSTATEMENT - the internet if anything is now the largest evolving machine for words in human history.
Obama’s State of the Union – A Linguistic Window Into His Strategy & Mindset
On January 28th President Obama gave his 5th State of the Union Address (SOTU) before the country. Since then much has been debated as to the speech’s merits and shortfalls. However behind the political quibbling, the superficial elements of his speech hide a deeper understanding.
Book Review: "The Politics of Speech"
Sometimes I have trouble ending sentences with prepositions myself - it just sounds so quirky to!