Goldhelios is
We combine language, art and science to bring the power of language to life. Whether you’ve studied a foreign language, linguistics or learned French in high-school and since forgotten everything - we all should take the time to appreciate the single greatest tool of humanity.
We want to awaken a deeper sense of linguistic wonder for all viewers, the same sense of awe that astrologers gets from searching the night sky.
Our goal is to tear down expectations and serve up new perspectives on language and linguistics that amaze, enlighten, shock, befuddle, infuriate and delight.
Exploring the mysteries of our greatest gift, the linguistic mind.
Having studied 12 languages, lived and worked in 3 foreign countries for non-profits & businesses, and with a Masters in Global Management & Branding, Andrew has a pool of experience to draw from. He's worked with start-ups, non-profits and in the private sector. He considers himself a language freak. His passion is trying to impress upon people the awesomeness of language by pulling back the curtain to the linguistic mind.