When was the last time that you stopped and dissected the intricacies of speech the same way astronomers gaze at the stars. By our standards not nearly enough.
The Haus of Iris’ workshop brings together language, art and science into multi-sensory experiences that bring the power of language to life. Our goal is to awaken a deeper sense of linguistic wonder for all viewers.
The workshop is here to deliver you language not as you expect it but as we envision it. Our goal is to tear down expectations and serve up new perspectives on speech that amaze, enlighten, shock, befuddle, infuriate and delight.
Genre-defining experiences include: Onomatopology, Beast vs. Virus and The Table is Set. The founder’s background in sociology, advertising, linguistics and art play a key role in the positioning of the studio’s output.
Haus of Iris activations boast a bold ambition, scientific rigor and unique ability to produce works that are unrivaled.
Having studied 8 languages, lived and worked in 3 foreign countries for non-profits & businesses, and with a Masters in Global Management & Branding, Andrew has a pool of experience to draw from. He's worked with start-ups, non-profits and in the private sector. He considers himself a language freak.